Special Announcement From St. Peter School

Leave it to the Almighty to look down on our little school amid a worldwide pandemic and say, “I have my eye on you. Look at the blessings coming your way!” As the weeks of Kindergarten Registration were coming to a close, the phone kept ringing as we received more and more calls from families that wanted to enroll their children.  Like the families  60+ years ago that felt the nudge to build St. Peter School, we felt the nudge to face this “happy problem” with the same spirit and conviction to step forward in faith and “grow” our school. We are happy to announce that this fall of 2021, St. Peter School will have 2 Kindergarten classrooms as part of their school community! Along with parish leadership, we are forming a steering committee and making all the necessary plans to have our additional Kindergarten classroom all ready for our new students this fall. The two smaller classrooms will allow for more focused small group and individualized instruction, especially in literacy as we expand our use of the Step by Step Learning Literacy program that has been implemented across the diocese this fall. We will be looking to our teachers, staff, families and devoted parish family for help and ideas moving forward and we thank you, St. Peter’s Parish, for the love and support you show our school that allows us to make this possible.   What a beautiful way to celebrate 60 Years of St. Peter School! God is good!