St. Peter School PTA Pizza/Sub Sale Returns

With the closing of schools in the spring, may of our school and PTA fundraisers were cancelled. After funding the beautiful new playground and helping out with some COVID related purchases for the school, the PTA is hoping that everyone participates in this fundraiser to make it our best one yet! We could really use the shot of funds to our PTA to help continue their wonderful support to our school and many student-centered events. So start telling all your friends and family to plan on purchasing these yummy Marianna’s subs to help our school and to also have some fabulously scrumptious lunch and dinner options late this month. Be sure to check out the new flavors too! Marianna’s assures us of the stepped up health and safety protocols in their order preparations and we will have safety measures in place in the Hall on pickup day as well. Order forms will be sent home in the first Family Folder on the first day of school. All orders and money will be due Tuesday, September 15th and items will be picked up from the parish Hall on Friday, September 25th. Checks are to be made to St. Peter’s PTA. “Thank you, PTA!”