After two and a half months of distance learning, St. Peter School closed out the school year on Friday, May 22nd with a final drop-off, an awesome send-off from all of our amazing superhero teachers and staff and a fond farewell to our Class of 2020. Looking back, the evening went a lot like the end of our school year. It had rained all day and many were doubtful that we would be able to even have the event at all. But then the clouds parted and the sun came out. Families showed up with their smiles and appreciation and best wishes to our sixth graders and the line of cars went on and on. As the evening came to a close, the dark looming clouds gave way to a short downpour as the last families pulled away. And as the rain ceased, a huge beautiful rainbow appeared above the school as almost the final word – “well done all.” Since May there have been many storms made up of clouds of frustration, sadness, disappointment and even fear. In our hearts we all wondered, at times, how things would work out, how will we get through this? But then slowly the clouds parted, and we got up each day and found just enough grace to get us through and even found ways to become stronger – in our families, in our school and in our faith. And through all of it, God wrapped us in His arms and showed us how much He loves us and our school through the kind and loving acts towards one another. And finally, He showed us His love and promise in the rainbow He placed over our school on a Friday night in May that we will never forget. Thank you to everyone – our teachers, our staff, students, families, Mr. Sanner and his crew, Fr. Patti and the Rectory, the Diocesan Education Office and all those in our parish who continue their faithful love and support of our school – especially during this difficult time. Each year we tell everyone who loves our school that we hope to honor their dedication by being the best school we can. Of all the years before, it is safe to say that this year we were probably our very best.


May God bless all of you – for all of it! We will see you in September and until then, “Send us good summer, O Lord.”

– Mrs. Harris