Eucharistic Miracles to Visit St. Peter’s Parish and School

St. Peter’s Parish and School is excited to announce it will host the Blessed Carlo Acutis Display of Eucharistic Miracles in the St. Peter’s Parish Hall September 24 – October 2.  Carlo Acutis was an English-born Italian Catholic whose life was cut short at the age of 15 when he died of Leukemia in 2006.  During his young life he had a deep devotion to the Eucharist and specifically the many miracles worldwide that involve the Eucharist.  Carlo also loved video games and playing soccer with his friends.  Before his death, he was on a mission to use his love for computers and the Eucharist and create a website that would educate Catholics about the Eucharistic miracles he researched.

As Carlo’s witness circled the globe, people started to pray for his intercession.  Carlo was named a Servant of God in November 2016 by the bishop of Milan, Cardinal Angelo Scola. He was declared Venerable in July 2018 by Pope Francis, and he was beatified on October 10, 2020, just two days before the 14th anniversary of his death.  If canonized, Blessed Carlos could become the first millennial saint.  At his beatification, he was viewed by thousands and he was dressed in his soccer clothes and tennis shoes.

Last year, Fr. Leo Arnone, Pastor of All Saints Catholic School in Cresson was drawn to the story of Blessed Carlo.  Fr. Arnone shared that during Carlos’ young life, he came up with an idea to gather all of the Eucharistic miracles of the Lord, which show that the host is the genuine Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity.  Using his knowledge of the computer, he started his research and visited churches where Eucharistic miracles took place.

Acutis put together posters that documented the miracles from locations around the world – some of which include photos he shot himself, Father said.  Besides various images, each poster includes a large quote and a paragraph or two that more fully explains each miracle at that particular global spot.  Fr. Arnone downloaded the posters and had them printed to share with his parish and school community and other faithful throughout the diocese.

This year begins a “Eucharistic Revival” for Catholics nationwide. It is an effort for all Catholics to reaffirm the True Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, body, blood, soul, and divinity, the source and summit of the Catholic faith.  Much in response to recent studies that say over 70% of practicing Catholics do not believe in the True Presence.  St. Peter’s is thrilled to present the Blessed Carlo Acutis displays this September for the school and parish and hopes it provides an opportunity for all to connect to Jesus through the work of Blessed Carlo and the power and life- giving Sacrament of the Eucharist.