Congratulations St. Peter School Class of 2021

It is never easy to say good-bye to our sixth graders but this year it seems even more so.  This group of students was hand-selected to be our leaders this year – “so few are chosen” – and their example of friendship, hard work and spirit were just what the other 92 younger students in our school needed.  We congratulate this group of students and wish them blessings upon blessings in their new schools and on the road ahead.  We will miss you!  Adalyn Boburchock, Allison Borek, Thressa Ledney, Colin McClelland, Keegan McKelvey, Sophia Ross, Annah Sechler, Chloe Sorensen, Jacob Stoy, Lane Svonavec, Kaleigh Vinzani, Olivia Wilson. For a video farewell, use this link:  Grade 6 Farewell Video

“Well done good and faithful servant!  You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things…” -Mt. 25:21