St. Peter School Celebrates Catholic Schools Week

St. Peter School will join thousands of other Catholic Schools the week of January 31 – February 6 to celebrate Catholic Schools Week 2021.  Despite the COVID restrictions and protocols, there is so much to celebrate about Catholic education and our St. Peter School.  Students will have various Spirit Days, participate in service projects and faith activities as well as enjoy some fun too.  The school will not be able to have its annual Winter Carnival, but hopes are that in the spring we will be able to have a similar or outdoors event for students and our school community to enjoy.  We will also kick off our 2021-2022 Registration on Sunday, January 31st.  We will have three separate Open House times available for families of new students only can schedule a visit to tour the school, ask questions and learn more about what makes St. Peter School the most excellent educational choice for children.  These Open House times are:  Sunday, January 31st from 1-3pm; Tuesday, February 2nd from 4-6pm and Thursday, February 4th from 6-8pm.  Please call the school during school hours at 814-445-6662 to schedule a visit during one of those times.  Masks will be required and children are welcome to accompany parents.  Our school theme this year is “We are One Body…and Together We Do Not Stand Alone.”  As we celebrate Catholic Schools Week this year, we celebrate not only our current school family but also  the many students, teachers and administrators that have come before us in the 60 years of St. Peter School.   We are honored to represent their 60 year legacy of St. Peter School and hope to make them and all future generations of our school proud.