Art Show Honorees

We are proud to announce the names of the St. Peter School students whose art work has been selected to participate in the 2021 Laurel Arts Elementary Art Show.  Artwork is selected over the course of 2020 and then prepared for display at the Elementary Art Show.  Visitors can visit the Dressler Center to view the art personally during their regular gallery hours which are Monday – Thursday Noon-6pm.  We will also put photographs of all the pieces on the school website for friends and family to view (see website address above.)   We are proud of all of our young artists and congratulate them for their work.  Special thanks is also given to Mrs. Sheila Ulerich for coordinating and preparing all of the art work this year and every year for our participation in this event with special help this year  from Mrs. Susan Dunmeyer.  At this time, we would like to recognize the following artists chosen for the 2021 Laurel Arts

Elementary Art Show:  Grade K- Myah Baker; Grade 1 – Sophia Zambanini; Grade 2 – Lidia Cacciotti; Grade 4 – Molly Stoy, Ruari Egal, Kataryna Iorio; Grade 5 – Miley Sorensen, Peyton Menser, Brycen Schockey, Lily Shaffer, Josh Brinton, Elin Polcha; Grade 6 – Adalyn Boburchock, Allison Borek