Fish Dinner Survey Alert for School Families!

Due to the pandemic, there will be modifications to our annual Lenten Fish Dinners but we’re hoping to pull together a tasty alternative and having help and input from the school and parish will make it  even more successful.  Just for this year there are plans for a Soup Sale on at least two Fridays (March 5 & 19) featuring different kinds of soup and bread.  In the past the school community has been the driving force of the volunteers for these dinners as all families are asked donate desserts and work at least one dinner.  Please consider helping with this year’s  Soup Event in whatever way you can.  Each student in our school receives a minimum of  $2000 in Parish Scholarship each year to keep tuition costs down and make Catholic education affordable for families.  It is only fitting that we as a school community find ways to support these and other parish fundraisers in gratitude to the generous support they give our students.  Please take a few moments to access the Parish Survey using the link below to learn more about the Soup Sale and how you can help in even a small way.  The survey will be “open” until February 15.  “Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love.”  – St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta