St. Peter School 1:1 Technology Announcement

Many things are certainly different this school year and all of us have had to get “used to different” in many ways.  Teachers have learned a whole new instructional and virtual platform as well as students and parents.  Schoology is being integrated in classrooms  to augment traditional instruction and to help students feel familiar in the event virtual instruction is warranted at any time.  To facilitate the new virtual tools and to ensure all students have easy access to them, St. Peter School was fortunate to receive funding through the CARES Act, donations and some surplus Act 95/90/35 funds to purchase enough Ipads for each student to be issued his or her own for the school year.  Students in grades 5 & 6 currently have their “own” Ipad and there at least 10 in each classroom grades K-4 until our final shipment arrives this month.   Funds from this year’s student Technology Fee has also purchased ear buds for each student as well as licenses for all the Ipads to be managed by Apple School Manager and a mass distribution manager, Mosyle which helps us to “push out” apps, update devices and put limits and restrictions for safe use form a central manager account.   Thanks to our PTA, we have also been able to purchase charging cabinets that will secure, store and charge Ipads when not in use.  We are committed to providing our traditional instruction without excessive use of technology but having the devices allows students to take AR tests on their own instead of using common devices in the Computer Lab or the library as well as many other individualized and differentiated instructional tools that are available.  Recently the sixth grade used their Ipads to research patron saints on to create a “Saint Squad” of their own.  Our thanks to our state and national leaders for including non-public schools in the CARES Act and for those who advocated for non-public schools.  Despite the fact that our funding was decreased at the state level, the funds were helpful to our school.  Thanks also to our donors and diocesan leadership.