Welcome to the 2019-2020 School Year!

There are no words to describe  how excited we are to welcome back our amazing students, teachers and families this week.  We are first thankful to God for bringing us safely back to this school for our 60th year and filling this beautiful building with the voices we have missed for so long.  We also owe great gratitude to our Maintenance Staff for their incredible work over this summer preparing our school.  We also thank our wonderful teachers who worked tirelessly over the entire summer learning new technology and protocols as the  face of education changed right before our eyes.  But constant was the love and grace the Holy Spirit shined down upon each of us to face each challenge – never alone.  Our theme this year is “We are One Body…and Together…We Do Not Stand Alone!”  As a school we stand on a strong foundation created by the 60 years of priests, principals, teachers, students and families – we stand with the saints, apostles, Mary and Joseph, and the  many holy men and women who have fought for and preserved our faith – no matter the cost; we stand with each other because we are stronger together; and we always stand with Christ whether He is lifting us up from the hardest of days, celebrating our biggest victories or guiding our every step.  We do not stand alone!  So let us step forward into this year – during this crazy, confusing time – for “we do not stand alone.” God bless our school, families, teachers, staff and students in this new school year!