Special Announcement About School Masses

We are very happy to have our school family return this week and we look forward to celebrating Mass together finally.  However, due to the many state, local and diocesan restrictions that we are obligated to follow, we announce the following new guidelines for our school Masses.  We understand that this is not ideal.  One of the nicest parts of our school Masses is sharing them with those who attend and we are very aware of how much the school liturgies mean to many of our parishioners and families.  We are trying to make decisions that both keep students and teachers safe but also preserve our school’s mission to foster the spirituality of our students and especially the role of the Mass in their young lives.  We appreciate your prayers and understanding as we move forward and hope and pray for a time when we can return to our regularly attended Masses.  God bless you!

First Friday of Each Month & Holy Days:  These Masses will be attended by the school students, teachers and staff only.  They will not be open to anyone else and will not be listed in the Mass schedule for the week.  The school requires all the pews to safely distance so that we can continue to have our Masses and sadly there will be no room for extra people.

All Other Fridays in the Month:  We will have 2-3 classes attend on these Fridays and they will be listed in the Mass schedule and open to friends, families and parishioners.  Pews will be marked for the public to safely distance from students and masks will be required by ALL attending these Masses.

Please watch the bulletin for details surrounding other liturgical events like Stations of the Cross.