The last day of school for the 2019-2020 school year was Friday, May 22nd. Report Cards will be mailed to families the first week in June. The school office is open from 8am -2pm most days during the week but visitors and people in the building are restricted so please call the school in the event anything is needed. The administration is also monitoring all emails daily as well.
Final plans for our St. Peter School Class of 2020 Graduation Mass are still pending. Their number may be small, but they have the heart and spirit of any class 10 times it’s size. Their leadership and example have made our school better and we will deeply miss them as they move on.  There are no words to express our thanks to all of our students, teachers and parents for all their heart and hard work during this time. We began our year in September, “Called to be the Superheroes of God”…saints in our every day words and actions. Little did we know that come spring we would prove that we all have the heart of saint in each of us. Thank you for all of it! May God bring all of us a safe and restful summer and may He bring us all back together in the fall. God bless you! #StPeterSchoolStrong